Ode to Uncle John

As a child he was taunted, But he as able to transcend,
At Waffle House and Berkempers He sure made a lot of friends.

We left our PlayDoh cylinder on the table; wasn’t our fault,
That John stopped in & left a note, “This dough has too much salt.”

John liked to argue politics, In his attempt to educate,
If you agreed with his view, He’d switch to spur debate.

If you needed help from John, All you had to do was ask,
He taught me by example To accept most any task.

John took lots of jobs, That others wouldn’t take,
Told me if I quit college It’d be a huge mistake.

His faith in God drew him, To where daily mass was said,
He prayed not for himself, I think, But for each of us instead.

It’s not too late to ask John To help you with a favor,
There’s no doubt where he is now, With our Lord and Savior.

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